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2020 Dean’s Roundtable Honorees Announced

2020 Dean’s Roundtable Honorees Announced
June 24, 2020 CEHD Communications

2020 Dean’s Roundtable Honorees Announced

The College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University is virtually honoring 37 transformational leaders as part of the 2020 Dean’s Roundtable.

For the past 29 years, the college has provided a unique opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate educators across the state. Since 1991, more than 600 individuals have been honored for their dedicated leadership and service to our communities.

The event, held annually in April, was canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the college still wanted to recognize the honorees’ achievements.

Since its inception, the Dean’s Roundtable event has raised more than $450,000 to support scholarships, programs and college initiatives.

This year’s honorees include school administrators, classroom teachers, professors and professionals who have devoted their careers to helping others. They include:

Stephanie F. Anderson 4th grade teacher at Greens Prairie Elementary in College Station (Sponsored by: Garver Black Hilyard Foundation)
Buryl Baty Former Texas A&M Quarterback and high school football coach (Sponsored by: Sue and Rick Rickman)
Susan A. Bloomfield Former Associate Dean for Research and professor (Sponsored by: Department of Health and Kinesiology)
Kevin Brown Executive Director of the Texas Association of School Administrators (Sponsored by: Sonja and Neal Adams)
Lynn M. Burlbaw Professor of curriculum and instruction (Sponsored by: Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture)
Glenda Byrns Clinical Professor and Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs (Sponsored by: Department of Educational Psychology)
Julie Cooper 3rd grade teacher at Greens Prairie Elementary in College Station (Sponsored by: Kathy and Mike Havel)
Anne Cude Retired preschool teacher (Sponsored by: Mary Ann, Gordon ‘55 and Glenn Gibson)
Jack A. Cummings Professor Emeritus at Indiana University (Sponsored by: Joyce and Blair Alexander)
Gogi Dickson Retired educator and school administrator (Sponsored by: Raul ‘59 and Sylvia ‘88 Fernandez)
DeAnna Doles Coordinator of girls’ athletics at Wellborn Middle School in College Station (Sponsored by: Ellen and Rod Thornton)
Barbara E. Hinton Emeritus professor at the University of Arkansas (Sponsored by: Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development)
Colleen Holmes Teacher at Bryan High School in Bryan (Sponsored by: Janine Morris ‘78 and Kerry Comeaux)
Laura King Teacher at Bryan Career & Technical Education Complex in Bryan (Sponsored by: Jim and Erin Kracht)
Esther J. McCool School custodian at Passmore Elementary in Alvin (Sponsored by: Deborah and James Robertson)
Sue Wilson McGown Retired school librarian (Sponsored by: Eddie Mattei Nelson and Jim Nelson)
Andrea “Sissy” McKenna Retired teacher and school librarian (Sponsored by: The McKenna Family)
Elaine Mendoza Chairman of the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents (Sponsored by: H. Malcolm Stewart)
Emily Mitchell Former school nurse (Sponsored by: Gayle ‘74 and Marc Bellomy ‘75)
Jaime Mosqueda Dual language kindergarten teacher at Johnson Elementary in Bryan (Sponsored by: Sue Ellen ‘81 and Phil ‘80 Miner)
Jennifer Pasteur Executive Director of Education in Action (Sponsored by: Drs. Robert and Betsy Carpenter)
Linda Ponder Retired healthcare director (Sponsored by: Carolyn S. Lohman)
Juan Ignacio Ramirez Sierra Dean of Instruction at Scarborough Elementary in Houston (Sponsored by: Education Leadership Research Center, Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition, Dr. Beverly Irby and Dr. Rafael Lara-Alecio)
Melina Recio English teacher at McAllen High School in McAllen (Sponsored by: Barbara and Arno Krebs, Jr. ‘64)
Cynthia A. Riccio Professor and Director of Training in the school psychology program (Sponsored by: Department of Educational Psychology)
David C. Schwartz Senior regional advisor with Texas A&M in the Prospective Student Center in Austin (Sponsored by: David C. Schwartz)
Melinda Sheffield-Moore Department head, Health and Kinesiology (Sponsored by: Drs. Robert and Betsy Carpenter)
Colonel Gerald Smith USMC (Ret.) (Sponsored by: William ‘74 and Susan ‘74 Ouren)
Janet M. Sossamon Middle school science teacher in Belton ISD (Sponsored by: Jerry Gundy and Dr. Ann Gundy)
Jo Ann Stringfellow Kindergarten teacher in La Marque (Sponsored by: Reta A. Haynes)
Shirley Treichel Swinbank Executive Director and founder of Yorkshire Academy in Houston (Sponsored by: Joe Swinbank)
Josh Symank Principal of Oakwood Intermediate School in College Station (Sponsored by: Scott and Rene’ Moses)
Homer Tolson Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M (Sponsored by: Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development)
Mike Tomchesson Facilities Coordinator for the Department of Health and Kinesiology (Sponsored by: The Physical Education Activity Program)
Julie Wester 4th grade teacher at Creek View Elementary in College Station (Sponsored by: Bill and Claire Selman)
Mike Williamson Retired teacher and coach (Sponsored by: Susan and Sam Torn)
Freddie Wong Retired engineer (Sponsored by Houston A&M Club)


The College of Education and Human Development is committed to enhancing education and health outcomes for all. By partnering with the college, members of the Dean’s Roundtable make an investment in the future of Texas and the nation. For more information, contact Erin Kleinecke at or 979-845-5355.



About the Writer

Ashley is the Media Relations Coordinator and responsible for news coverage in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture as well as the Department of Educational Psychology.

Articles by Ashley

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Green.


To learn more about how you can assist in fundraising, contact Amy Hurley, Director of Development or 979-847-9455

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