Former Student Highlight: Jordan Polk
-When Jordan Polk first started her educational career at Texas A&M, she had a desire to teach in special education. During her senior year, her focus changed. She still had a passion for children with special needs, but she also learned about children with other needs.
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Grants Lead To Collaboration On Six Research Projects
-During a fall faculty retreat, Dean Joyce Alexander announced $270,000 available for seed grants with two deadline periods, one in the fall and one in the spring. The six winners of the fall competition were announced last week.
College Collaboration Brings Deeper Insight To First Folio
-The exhibit will feature literary workshops and showcase original manuscripts of some of Shakespeare’s most famous work, including Hamlet’s “to be or not to be.”
Sisters Make A Difference In Special Education
-About one of every eight Texas public school students need special education services. Preservice teachers in the special education program at Texas A&M are trained to work with students who have all types of disabilities in all grades and at all levels, from mild to severe.
Helping Kids Become Successful Students
-Every seven minutes a child is bullied at school, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Educational Psychology
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