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College of Education and Human Development

Departments & Units

Departments & Dean’s Office Units in CEHD


CEHD houses four departments dedicated to enhancing the education of current and future students alike.

Educational Administration & Human Resource Development

The Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development develops educational leaders and improves practice through teaching, research and service in the areas of:

  • Public school administration,
  • Human resource development,
  • Higher education administration,
  • Adult education, and
  • Student affairs administration.

Learn more about EAHR and the opportunities they offer.

Educational Psychology

The Department of Educational Psychology is the largest producer of special education teachers and the second largest producer of bilingual education teachers among higher education institutions in the State of Texas according to the Texas Education Agency. This department will prepare you to become a leader across disciplines and learn from faculty whose research impacts communities both in Texas and across the country.

Learn more about EPSY and the impact of their programs.

Kinesiology & Sport Management

The Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management houses 3 divisions:

Each division offers a unique learning experience and ample resources to help you reach both your academic and career goals.

Learn more about KNSM and what you can gain from their programs.

Teaching, Learning and Culture

The Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture aims to create unique experiences that advance teaching, research and service through the preparation and development of quality educators. We place high value on:

  • Collaboration,
  • Critical thinking,
  • Creativity,
  • Democratic governance, and
  • Global leadership.

Learn more about TLAC and how their programs will help you become a teacher.

Dean’s Office Units

Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs oversees the following subunits within SEHD:

For more information about Academic Affairs, contact Dr. Chris Cherry.

Technology Services

The Office of Technology Services manages the information technology resources of the School of Education and Human Development and provides support for the use of those resources to faculty, staff and students.

Need assistance? Submit a help ticket or learn more about their services for more information.

Marketing & Communications

The Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for strategic communications, media relations, creative services, and branding in the School of Education and Human Development.

It offers assistance and guidance in the following areas:

  • Marketing
  • Graphic design and branding
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Video
  • News and social media
  • Event planning and promotional items

Questions? Visit Marketing and Communications for more information or send us a message.

Research & Development

The Office of Research and Development is tasked with strategically leveraging resources to increase the school’s research competitiveness. The office works directly with faculty, institute administration, strategic partners and funders to facilitate research program funding and award management.

Learn more.

Undergraduate Recruiting

The Office of Recruiting oversees and assists with bachelors and graduate admissions. We are here to help answer any questions you may have, point you in the right direction for advising, and make sure you have what you need to successfully transition into student life within SEHD.

Contact information

Phone: (979) 862-1795

Graduate program contacts

Graduate contacts:

Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development:

Department of Educational Psychology:

Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management:

Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture:

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