CEHD Begins Education Partnership with Uzbekistan
-The College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University took its first step toward a new international partnership to promote education, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States.
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Project VICTORY Connects Rural Students with Real-Life Scientists
-A project led by researchers in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University looks to ensure that rural students in grades 3-5 receive additional support to increase science literacy, interest in STEM fields, and access to technology.
Automating Classroom Observation: CEHD Research Centers Take Steps to Develop AI Foundations
-Two centers in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University have taken the first steps to automate the process of conducting classroom observations.
How Texas A&M researchers are addressing literacy challenges in rural China
-Dr. Fuhui Tong, along with two other Texas A&M researchers, are creating at-home based literacy practices to help improve the lives of low-SES families in rural China
Virtual mentoring and coaching supports teachers during COVID-19
-Dr. Beverly Irby, director of the Education Leadership Research Center, said she hopes teachers seek support and guidance through virtual mentoring and coaching.
Irby Named Regents Professor
-Dr. Beverly Irby is one of 13 faculty members recently named as Regents Professors and Regents Fellows.
A recap of the Education Leadership Research Center’s Summer Leadership Institutes
-During the months of June and July, the Education Leadership Research Center and Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition teams in the College of Education and Human Development delivered 125 hours of TEA recognized professional development to educators from across Texas.
New Chair Holders Announced
-Thanks to generous gifts from donors, three faculty have been named new endowed chair holders.
$5.5M In Grants Focused On Improving Education For English Language Learners
-The U.S. Department of Education recently awarded faculty from the Bilingual Program in the Department of Educational Psychology and the Educational Administration Program in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development two five-year grants totaling $5.5 million. The grants will fund teacher professional development for educators working with English language learners (ELLs) and to research its effects.
Dr. Irby Inducted As ISDDE Fellow
-Dr. Beverly Irby was inducted as a fellow into the International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE) Monday at the organization’s annual meeting in Utrecht, Amsterdam. The organization is a select group of scholars from across the world dedicated to raising the quality in design of educational processes and materials.
School Enhancement Project Focuses On Improving Houston-Area Schools
-More than 1,500 school campuses in Texas are deemed low performers according to this year’s Public Education Grant from the Texas Education Agency. Eight of those schools are the focus of a research project by two professors in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development (EAHR) and Dr. Joyce Alexander, dean of the College of Education and Human Development.
Dr. Irby Leads Discussion On Research In Learning And Teaching
-The rules of educational policy directly effect teachers and students nationwide. Dr. Beverly Irby discussed how policy development is put into practice through her research, entitled “Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership SIG Business Meeting” in April at the American Educational Research Association in Washington D.C.
Improving Academic Language For Third Grade English Language Learners
-A group of professors in the College of Education and Human Development developed a way to improve the success of young students in the classroom.
Faculty Testing Intervention To Break Down Barriers In Science Education
-Hoping to break down barriers for English language learners and low socio-economic status students, professors in the Department of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University developed a literacy-integrated science intervention, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Posts tagged with ‘beverly irby’
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