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Dr. Irby Leads Discussion On Research In Learning And Teaching

Dr. Irby Leads Discussion On Research In Learning And Teaching
April 13, 2016 CEHD Communications

Dr. Irby Leads Discussion On Research In Learning And Teaching

The rules of educational policy directly effect teachers and students nationwide. Dr. Beverly Irby discussed how policy development is put into practice through her research, entitled “Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership SIG Business Meeting” in April at the American Educational Research Association in Washington D.C.

Special interest groups (SIG) are made up of researchers who bring together different ideas and disciplines to help shape school policy. Dr. Irby, a longtime participant of both the Bilingual and Educational Administration SIG, will present administrative research work she recently performed with her colleagues.

“We work on the evaluation of programs in educational administration in universities and look at the assessment to policy development at the state, local or the national level,” Dr. Irby said. “We also work in conjunction with the university council and look into work quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of studies.”

Dr. Irby holds a strong focus on the teaching of educational administration. She said student achievement is dependent on those running the classroom.

“I always say, ‘as the leader is, so goes the school’,” Dr. Irby said. “A teacher in the classroom leads the classroom instruction of children, and research shows that it is the most critical form of student engagement.”

However, she said the administrative role in a school also contributes to student achievement by promoting teacher success and productivity.

“We also know that the principal and leader of a school also impacts student achievement,” she said. “The principal leads the teachers. Therefore, we have an important piece to play as far as student achievement and improving schools.”

As a faculty member of the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development (EAHR), Dr. Irby intends to develop continued research within the educational administration SIG.

“I believe that there need to be more studies done in teaching in an educational leadership role,” she said. “The purpose of this SIG brings together the leadership of those in EAHR as continue to strive to prepare students to lead in schools.”

Written by Justin Ikpo (

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Green.


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