CEHD Partners to Honor Superintendent’s Career of Advocacy and Growth
-Our Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development will join the Texas Association of School Administrators to present this year’s Golden Deeds Award to longtime Dallas-area Superintendent Doug Williams.
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Award-winning Aggie Represents CEHD at McAllen Campus
-Francisco Javier Fuentes ’27 has already made an impact at Texas A&M University while getting the Aggie experience over 350 miles away from our flagship campus.
Dr. Khalil Dirani Appointed EAHR Department Head
-Dr. Khalil M. Dirani has been appointed the new head of our School’s Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development.
EducationEducational Administration and Human Resource DevelopmentFeatureGivingImpactReleaseServiceTeaching
CEHD To Help Recognize Longtime Texas Education Advocate
-CEHD To Help Recognize Longtime Texas Education Advocate with Golden Deeds Award.
EducationEducational Administration and Human Resource DevelopmentFacultyFeatureFormer StudentImpactReleaseTeachingTeaching, Learning and Culture
Aggie-led School District Receives National Blue Ribbon Award
-Former Texas A&M University student and adjunct faculty member Elisabeth Luevanos guides Milano Elementary School to National Blue Ribbon recognition as the district’s superintendent.
Fostering success for student veterans
-The structured life of military service can be a shocking contrast to the self-directed environment of higher education. Research by a Texas A&M scholar is hoping to help veterans meet the challenges of their transitions.
How family and stress play a role in the undocumented student experience in college
-Recent research by higher education scholar Dr. Cinthya Salazar in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development sheds light on the challenges undocumented students face in higher education.
How to become a principal
-Have you ever wondered how to become a principal or what principals do? School administration expert Dr. Susan Holley shares everything you need to know.
How gender roles and social expectations affect female first-generation college students
-A systematic review by two researchers in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development identified issues specific to female first-generation students.
A recap of the Education Leadership Research Center’s Summer Leadership Institutes
-During the months of June and July, the Education Leadership Research Center and Center for Research & Development in Dual Language & Literacy Acquisition teams in the College of Education and Human Development delivered 125 hours of TEA recognized professional development to educators from across Texas.
Shaping Cybersecurity In The Classroom
-In 2017, worldwide spending in the information security industry reached over $86.4 billion, according to a recent industry forecast.
Workplace Health – The Silent Epidemic
-Workplace incivility is taking over our organizations, professional relationships and everyday interactions. According to Dr. Jia Wang, associate professor of human resource development, understanding why incivility happens and how to address it starts with awareness.
DACA Repeal Could Affect State Workforce, Expert Says
-The recent repeal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has left thousands of immigrant students’ futures in jeopardy. The Trump Administration cited a number of key points including immigration, budget and safety concerns for ending the program.
Education A Top Priority During Special Session
-Today marks the start of the Texas Special Session where more than 20 items are on the agenda. The agenda items showcase many of the challenges Texas schools face including legislation on statewide teacher increases, proposals for school administrators regarding teacher hiring and retention, the creation of a commission aimed at fixing the school finance system, and a revamped bill over school vouchers for special education students.
Professor Receives Grant Toward Arts Enrichment
-The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has approved more than $82 million to fund local arts projects across the country in the NEA’s second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2017. Included in this announcement was a Research: Art Works Award of $90,000 to Dr. Daniel Bowen, Assistant Professor in Educational Administration and Human Resource Development (EAHR).
Four Recognized As Transforming Lives Faculty Fellows
-Four College of Education and Human Development faculty members have been selected as Transforming Lives Faculty Fellows. Drs. Sharon Matthews (TLAC), Michael Sandlin (HLKN), Karen Smith (EAHR), and Jay Woodward (EPSY) will each be recognized for their promotion of transformative learning for their students.
Graduate Student Uses Personal Experience To Inspire
-The fruits of proper leadership often manifest in different ways. In the case of Educational Leadership graduate student Jeff McCanna, the mentorship he received at an early age helped him find his calling in serving students and advocating for their success.
New Book Highlights Role Of Education For African American Girls
-The book titled Cultivating Achievement, Respect, and Empowerment for African American Girls in Pre-K-12 Settings (CARE), is written by TLAC professor Dr. Patricia Larke and EAHR Associate Professor Dr. Gwendolyn Webb-Hasan and coincides with their research on the achievement and development of African American youth.
Former Student’s Impact Goes Well Beyond The Classroom
-30 years and thousands of students later, Chrissy Hester continues to impact the lives of members of the College Station ISD (CSISD) community.
Dr. Dirani’s New Book Gives Insight Into Cultural Leadership
-In January Associate Professor Dr. Khalil Dirani published a book titled Leadership Development in Emerging Market Economies. In the book, Dr. Dirani and his co-authors explain how the book’s message is to help fellow educators understand the meaning of leadership and what it’s like throughout other countries.
Dr. Krista Bailey Appointed As New SAAHE Director
-Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration (SAAHE) has appointed Clinical Associate Professor Dr. Krista Bailey as its new program director. Dr. Bailey’s past work in the SAAHE program contributes to the insight she plans to bring to the position.
Community And Law Enforcement To Gather For Open Forum
-Representatives from The College of Education and Human Development have teamed up with local law enforcement officials to bring an event aimed at engaging members in the community.
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