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Dr. Khalil Dirani Appointed EAHR Department Head

Dr. Khalil Dirani Appointed EAHR Department Head
May 13, 2024 Travis Bowles

Dr. Khalil Dirani Appointed EAHR Department Head

Dr. Khalil M. Dirani has been appointed the new head of our School’s Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development (EAHR).

Dirani’s career in higher education spans more than 20 years. He joined our School in 2014 and was program chair of our Educational Human Resource Development (EHRD) program before serving as interim department head in 2022. His research has been featured in dozens of publications, books, book chapters and presentations, covering topics such as international human resource development, organizational learning and change and leadership development.

Dirani looks to support and advocate for EAHR’s students, faculty and staff in their research, teaching and service endeavors through a culture of trust and collaboration. “I believe my job is to create the best conditions that ensure the success of our people,” he said. Dr. Michael A. de Miranda, dean of our School, adds that Dirani’s experience will “elevate EAHR’s mission of preparing future leaders while advancing research that will impact schools and businesses across the country and around the world.”

For media inquiries, contact Ruben Hidalgo.

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