Student’s Non-Profit Shines Light On Women With Special Needs
-When Lillian Townsend started competing in pageants in 2010, she never imagined her experience would lead her to change the lives of girls across Texas. Her dream, Miss Magnificent Pageantry, is doing just that, with the goal of impacting lives across the nation.
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Professor To Collect Data On Military-Connected Children
-Despite the fact that there are more than two million military-connected students in American schools, there is no reliable data on the academic health or educational outcomes of those students. Dr. Robert Muller, clinical associate professor of educational leadership, is working to change that.
Professor Uses Spice Painting To Slow Progress Of Dementia
-More than five million Americans are living with some form of dementia and one in nine people age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s disease. While researchers have not found a cure for dementia, one professor in the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Texas A&M University is using her service learning project to help slow down the progress for a group of dementia patients in College Station.
Improving Academic Language For Third Grade English Language Learners
-A group of professors in the College of Education and Human Development developed a way to improve the success of young students in the classroom.
Faculty Testing Intervention To Break Down Barriers In Science Education
-Hoping to break down barriers for English language learners and low socio-economic status students, professors in the Department of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University developed a literacy-integrated science intervention, funded by the National Science Foundation.
CEHD Student Uses Internship To Serve Refugees
-Widespread outreach is something that senior Laura Nguyen takes very seriously. The community health major is currently doing an internship in Washington D.C. to help advocate for fleeing refugees, notably in the Syrian crisis, through the GenUN initiative of the United Nations Association (UNA).
Research Gives Clinicians Comparative Benchmarks For Collegiate Athletes
-Sudden death in young athletes is rare but most are due to undiagnosed cardiac conditions. Ensuring the health and safety of student athletes is a top priority for the Department of Athletics at Texas A&M, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kinesiology and the Health Science Center College of Medicine.
From HLKN To The World’s Top Athletic Brands
-A former student and leader in sport marketing shared his experience going from a student in the Department of Health and Kinesiology to being a top executive at three of the major sporting goods brands in the world.
New Student Concentration Area To Expand Coaching Knowledge
-The coaching track concentration area will tie into the current Sport Management master’s degree plan and will focus on various concentration areas within coaching.
New Minor Prepares Students To Defend Against Cybersecurity Threats
-The minor, offered beginning in the 2016-17 academic year, will give students a wide range of class options from programming to forensic investigative sciences.
Clinical Professor To Screen Documentary At The National World War II Museum
-Tiger Brides: Memories of Love and War from the G.I. Brides of Tiger Bay tells the story of women from Tiger Bay who fell in love with and married black American soldiers stationed in Cardiff, Wales during World War II and the Korean War.
Mentorship System Assists Incoming Graduate Students
-Former students in the Master’s of Education program have created a mentorship system aimed at spreading their teaching knowledge to other incoming graduate students.
Professor, Students Improve Parent Training In Brazos County
-A unique collaboration between a professor of school psychology, two non-profits and an area psychologist is changing the face of parent training in Brazos County.
Former Student Highlight: Jordan Polk
-When Jordan Polk first started her educational career at Texas A&M, she had a desire to teach in special education. During her senior year, her focus changed. She still had a passion for children with special needs, but she also learned about children with other needs.
Spurs Sales Team Train Sports Sales Students
-The sales team not only gave students an in-depth sales training, but also gave them insight into the entire Spurs brand.
Collaboration Aims To Increase Passion For Science
-A collaboration between professors from four colleges, including the College of Education and Human Development, is hoping to make a difference in the future of the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
ChallengeWorks Helps Build Open-Minded Leaders
-ChallengeWorks is helping to build open-minded leaders of the future with its challenge course activities and guided reflection.
Sisters Make A Difference In Special Education
-About one of every eight Texas public school students need special education services. Preservice teachers in the special education program at Texas A&M are trained to work with students who have all types of disabilities in all grades and at all levels, from mild to severe.
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