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Dr. Paula J Miller Retires After 34 Years

Dr. Paula J Miller Retires After 34 Years
June 1, 2018 SEHD Communications

Dr. Paula J Miller Retires After 34 Years

For Dr. Paula Miller, teaching a computer technology course in the Department of Health and Kinesiology was more than just showing students how to use software. It was an opportunity to connect with students on a personal level, develop their professional skills and make an impact.

“I teach computer technology, but I always tell people I teach more than that,” Dr. Miller said. “I’m teaching you how to be a professional, and how to act in a professional world, and to me, that was almost as valuable to some of those students as how to use Microsoft Excel.”

Dr. Paula Miller, clinical professor and associate undergraduate program coordinator, is retiring May 31. In her 34 years at Texas A&M, she saw many changes and immense growth in student population. She said she was blessed to teach a course in a computer lab, so her class remained small.

“I saw this department grow where class sizes jumped considerably, from 50 to 100 in a class section,” Dr. Miller said. “I still had the opportunity to work one on one with students, know their names, a little bit about them and what their aspirations were.”

Dr. Miller said the most noticeable change she saw in recent years was the increase of females in leadership roles on campus.

“I certainly see a lot more women administrators around than when I was an undergrad. There are a lot more women role models for female students on campus, which is a great change to have seen,” Dr. Miller said.

Dr. Miller first came to Texas A&M as an undergraduate student in 1975. Nine years later she was hired by Rec Sports and began her doctorate in educational administration. Upon finishing her course work in 1990, she began teaching “Computer Technology in Health and Kinesiology” and continued to do so for nearly 30 years.

Dr. Miller said her favorite teaching moment was when she received high praise in a letter from Trent, a former student in her course.

Trent said, “I just want to let you know that your class was one of my favorites here at A&M. I enjoyed your methods of teaching and the total atmosphere of the class. You know how to balance personality, discipline, and professionalism, and I feel that’s a very underrated quality in professors.”

Dr. Miller said she hopes students will remember her as a professor that cared for each student and their success.

She served as undergraduate program coordinator from 2005 to 2011, assistant undergraduate coordinator in 2014 and full time undergraduate coordinator again in 2015.

Dr. Miller also advised Corps of Cadets K-1 outfit for seven years. She was heavily involved in University and College committees. She served on the Aggie Honor Council, Open Access Computer Lab Steering Committee, ATMentors Executive Board and the School of Education and Human Development Curriculum Committee.

She is a recipient of the Extraordinary Service Award from CEHD, the Service Award from the Department of HLKN and the Mentor of the Year from the ATMentors Program.

As for all of her accomplishments and relationships she has built over the years she said, “I don’t know where else you get an opportunity like that other than Texas A&M.”

About the Writer

Heather is responsible for news coverage in the Department of Health and Kinesiology, as well as the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development.

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