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HLKN Grad One Of Six Selected For CFP Internship

HLKN Grad One Of Six Selected For CFP Internship
May 21, 2016 SEHD Communications

HLKN Grad One Of Six Selected For CFP Internship

Lindsey LeJeune calls it a dream come true. Starting August 1, she will spend a year working as the Tom Mickle Intern in Communications with the College Football Playoff (CFP), one of only six interns selected from across the country.

LeJeune graduated in May with her master’s in sport management. During her time at Texas A&M, she participated in several internships, including the Cotton Bowl in Arlington in 2014. Just two weeks later, she had the chance to volunteer with CFP since the game was also in Arlington. The next year, she went to Arizona to volunteer with CFP again. That is how she found out about the internship and then applied.

“I believe my time with CFP helped in the selection for this internship. I’ve volunteered with them for two years and I stayed in touch and kept those connections,” she explained. “After I was selected, the current intern called me and told me to remember they hired me for me. I was hired because of what I’ve done in the past and what I can bring to the table.”

LeJeune’s focus during the internship will be on social media. She will be assisting with CFP’s social media accounts for the year. She will also be overseeing the process of gathering content and printing the Game Day program – collecting articles and writing some of her own. She’s also hoping to take advantage of the other five internship positions.

“I asked if I would be able to tap into the other internships to see what it’s like. Going out of this internship, I don’t want to just have one skillset – I want to be able to do multiple things. I think working and being pushed to such a high standard this year is going to be incredible for me as far as developing my skillset further. I’m excited to meet the people I’m going to meet and learn everything I’m going to learn.”

LeJeune always knew she wanted to work in college athletics but she never knew her interests would land her with the bowl circuit. After the completion of the internship, she hopes to stay in the bowl circuit but her long-term goals involve working with athletics at a university.

No matter where her future takes her, she knows the most important thing is making connections – knowledge that she credits to her time at Texas A&M.

“I think A&M has taught me how to invest my time in people. I’ve learned networking is huge but I also learned if you don’t invest your time in a certain place, it’s just going to be a name on a business card. A&M has taught me to make deeper connections with people and not keep them so surface.”

About the Writer

Ashley is the Media Relations Coordinator and responsible for news coverage in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture as well as the Department of Educational Psychology.

Articles by Ashley

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Green.


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