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Longstanding Assistant Dean To Retire From CEHD

Longstanding Assistant Dean To Retire From CEHD
March 28, 2016 SEHD Communications

Longstanding Assistant Dean To Retire From CEHD

Longstanding Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration Dr. Becky Carr ’94 will retire from the School of Education and Human Development after over 20 years of service. Throughout her career, Dr. Carr worked with countless educators and was involved with some of the college’s most far-reaching projects.

Dr. Carr starting working for the School of Education and Human Development in 1989 — beginning as a graduate assistant, then later as a fulltime employee. In her years at the college, Dr. Carr said that she has seen a large amount of growth and progress within faculty members and staff.

“I’ve been through four deans, two interims, a name change of the college, I’ve seen us go from five departments to four departments to more encompass the things that we do,” said Dr. Carr. I’m proud that we continue to do more — from the health and kinesiology side, but also through adult education, mental health, counseling and developmental areas and educational psychology.”

Over the years, forward thinking has played a huge role in Dr. Carr’s goals for the college. She worked as one of the coordinators for the differential tuition program to incorporate more funding within the college.

Most recently, Dr. Carr served on both committees responsible for developing the Physical Education Activity Program Building (PEAP) and the new Human Clinical Research Facility, which is set to open next January 2017.

“Both [facilities] have been very big areas that make a difference,” she said. “It took a lot of effort and hoops to get those accomplished and they’re something that I am proud of.”

Some of Dr. Carr’s biggest personal accomplishments however, lie in the relationships she cultivated with her colleagues and students.

“One thing I’ve learned is that people are very happy to work with you as long as you involve them in what you are trying to do,” she said. “I have been motivated the most by the success of students that I’ve worked with — seeing those people go on to get jobs, promotions, and increased responsibilities is something worthwhile.”

A retirement ceremony for Dr. Carr will be held March 30 at 2 p.m. in the J. Wayne Stark University Center Gallery located in the Memorial Student Center.

Written by Justin Ikpo (

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Green.


To learn more about how you can assist in fundraising, contact Amy Hurley, Director of Development or 979-847-9455

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