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Professor Discusses Dangers Of Pokémon Go

Professor Discusses Dangers Of Pokémon Go
August 15, 2016 CEHD Communications

Professor Discusses Dangers Of Pokémon Go

It’s taking over the headlines around the world – people being injured playing Pokémon Go, a location-based augmented reality game.

The game, first released in July, uses GPS to help players locate, capture, battle and train Pokémon who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player. The app quickly became a global phenomenon and has been downloaded by more than 100 million people worldwide.

In the days after the game’s release, reports started coming in of people falling, running into things or even walking into traffic playing Pokémon Go.

“The problem with Pokémon Go, in my opinion, is that it leads to a whole new level of not only slowing down, but moving in a particular direction to chase your Pokémon,” said Dr. Conrad Earnest.

Dr. Earnest, a research scientist in the Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab, completed research last year focused on texting and walking. Researchers found, when compared with non-distracted walkers, texting and cognitively distracted walkers slowed down, took more steps and increased the height of their steps to go over obstacles. Researchers used the results to hypothesize that the slowed walking pace coupled with path deviations will eventually cause a trip-and-fall accident.

Dr. Earnest referred to that research to discuss recent concerns about dangers surrounding Pokémon Go.

“Players are more likely to cross at a time when the crosswalk signs aren’t giving a clear go. They’re more likely to cross in the middle of the street as opposed to a crosswalk. I think Pokémon Go is the potential recipe for more injuries and more pedestrian or traffic accidents.”

Dr. Earnest knows it is unrealistic to think people will just chase Pokémon on foot – they’re also going to chase Pokémon behind the wheel. In fact, one of his friends was involved in an accident because of Pokémon in early August.

“A friend of mine was riding his unicycle last night in a low and slow traffic area and was crossing the street in a crosswalk. A woman in a car was chasing a Pokémon, ran a stop sign and hit him. He’s OK, just a little sore.”

There have been similar incidents around the world, including people crashing into parked cars or running off the road altogether. Bryan and College Station police have not reported major problems connected to the game, but they have expressed concern about players not paying attention to their surroundings or walking into traffic.

“The more distractions you throw in the mix when you’re trying to get from point a to point b, the greater likelihood of you running into a problem between point a and point b.”

About the Writer

Ashley is the Media Relations Coordinator and responsible for news coverage in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture as well as the Department of Educational Psychology.

Articles by Ashley

For media inquiries, contact Ashley Green.


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