Texas A&M Hosts Two Giants of Education Addressing Topics Affecting Teachers
COLLEGE STATION – Texas A&M University’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) is honored and excited to host a meeting of two renowned and respected minds in teacher education with a combined 90+ years of experience.
Drs. Marilyn Cochran-Smith and Gloria Ladson-Billings, both National Academy of Education members, will share their perspectives on navigating K-12 education in a conversation moderated by CEHD professor Dr. Cheryl Craig.
“This is a remarkable and rare opportunity to hear from two giants in our field together on stage,” said Dr. Michael A. de Miranda, Dean of CEHD. “Hosting an event of this magnitude exemplifies our School’s commitment to lead the conversation in teacher education.”
The event, titled Dialogues in Transforming Education, will be available to stream live on Wednesday, March 29, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Also on March 29, Dr. Cochran-Smith will start the day with our Dean’s Distinguished Lecture. She will discuss “The ‘Problem’ of Teacher Education: Tensions and Trends.” You can attend the event in person or stream it live from 10:45 a.m. to Noon.
Both events will be in the Zone Club at Kyle Field. Prior registration is required.
To register for these events or to learn more, use the following link: tx.ag/CEHDEducationExcellence.
Media contact: Ruben Hidalgo, 979-458-0506, rhidalgo@tamu.edu.
ABOUT CEHD: For over 50 years, CEHD has developed future leaders in the classroom, office, research lab and athletic field. Our School consists of four departments: Educational Administration & Human Resource Development, Educational Psychology, Kinesiology & Sport Management and Teaching, Learning & Culture. We are recognized as a premier school for teacher preparation in Texas.
For media inquiries, contact Ruben Hidalgo.